Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On a lighter note...

As petrol prices went up, I finally acquiesced and agreed that Graeme could get a scooter. Having lived with several people who rode motorbikes and all wound up in hospital (either seriously hurt or dead), I have a real fear of someone I love winding up dead in a motorbike accident. However, in the Broster clan, not having one is becoming a faux pas. Of course, I stipulated conditions... and colour. It's bright yellow, because yellow is the most visible colour on the road (or so says the AA).

Since then though, the idea has been growing on me. I can also foresee the day when Graeme and I have to swap vehicles to fetch Nellie (we only have one car seat), and there isn't time for him to first go home to swap the scooter for the other car. In that case, I will need to be able to drive the scooter home. As I've contemplated this, and as I've seen other parents drop their kids off at nursery in the morning on the back of a motorbike (sheesh! they're really too little to go on a bike like that!), I've found myself wondering at what age I would be happy for Graeme to take Nellie on the scooter. My brother takes his middle daughter to school on his bike and she's only just turned 13 (granted, he has one of those BMW versions with the full hood that covers the motorcyclist and passenger but leaves the sides completely exposed.) I've also wondered what happens when we have two sprogs... how would that work, logistically, on a scooter.

Well, today my brother and his wife sent me a fantastic PowerPoint slide show of people doing seemingly impossible logistical feats of transport. (Email me if you want a copy.) One slide really caught my attention, because it answers that very question.

Of course, while people like me have a baby seat on the back of their bicycles, other people prefer to use their bikes to carry other things....

As I said - if you want to see the rest (and they are more fantastical than these ones!) email me.

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