Sunday, May 13, 2007


I forgot to mention that tomorrow is the day we get the autopsy report... either way I'm not going to like the outcome. If it says that there was no reason for Zoe's death, I'm going to drive myself crazy next time we fall pregnant. If it says there is a reason, I'm going to find someone to blame, and drive myself crazy.

I hate this.

At least it ... I was going to say 'at least this will all be over tomorrow', but it won't be. It will just be starting a new chapter tomorrow.

Losing a child sucks. Big time.

(And for those who watch 'Grey's Anatomy', it sucks big time that Izzy and Danny didn't get their 'happily ever after'. It really, really sucks, especially the way the writers did it. I like Hollywood endings because it gives me hope, albeit false, that there might be a Hollywood ending for me, for Zoe. Grief sucks.)

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