Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cute kids

Graeme forwarded me this very cute story about kids from a message board he belongs to...

I Learned Something About Kids Recently...

...I learned over the past few days that kids retain everything.

Flashback to Saturday: We were visiting the grandparents, and Shayla (going on 18 months) was getting a bit fussy. One of her favorite things in the world is to go for a walk, so I took her for a lap around the development.

As we walked, she was her usual full-of-questions-well-actually-only-one-question self.

"Wazzat?""That's a car. We use them to get from place to place. Vroom vroom."
"Wazzat?""That's a squirrel. They're kinda cute, but there more of a pain to homeowners than anything."
"Wazzat?""That's a barbeque grill. We use them to cook up meat, like yummy hamburgers and hot dogs."
"Wazzat?"That's litter. Someone thought that the street would be a good place for his old McDonald's bag. That someone is what we call a 'scumbag'."
"Wazzat?""That's a street sign. It shows us what street we're on. Of course, some nitwit turned it so now it's inaccurate, but you get the idea. Well, actually, you don't, since you're too young to understand 99% of what I'm saying, but just hearing my voice explaining things is good for your development."

Flashforward to this morning: Ok, time to take Shayla to day care. Unfortunately, I didn't get a parking spot in front of out house last night, so we'll have to walk the block to the car. No biggie.

As we walk, hand in hand, my daughter ever-so-cute in her new dress, a guy rides by on his bicycle. Carrying a Coke bottle. Which he casually drops in the street.

And a little voice pipes up: "SCUBBAG!!"

Damn, I love this kid.

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