Here's the little one side on - you can see the spine and ribs beautifully, as well as the facial features and ears.
This one was taken a few moments later, showing the little one sucking a thumb. Aaahhh sweet!
And finally... can you guess what this one is? I'll give you a clue - the bright white circles are the feet, and you can see the leg bending away on the left. The third, smaller white patch in the middle is....???
Yup, our baby is a BOY!!!!
We are both in a bit of shock. We were utterly convinced we were having another girl, so he's taken us rather by surprise. I'm thrilled cos it means one of both, but I'm also rather nervous. Boys are reputedly much harder work as babies and small children. Plus, there's the added problem of having to buy a whole new wardrobe and toy sets. Sigh! There I was really hoping to get away with hand-me-downs. But, on the upside - this is the first boy in my blood side of the family (I'm not counting my step-siblings children here, but there are still 7 girls!!) so my family name lives on for another generation. Yay!
Now.... what on earth are we going to call him?! I've only been thinking of girl names. Back to the drawing board.
Nothing traditional. Nothing too long. Nothing that has a weird nickname. Nothing with a pagan meaning (like the god of war, or something). Something that works with our mouthful of a double barrel surname (poor mite!). Something with a spiritual meaning. Nothing starting with J. Something that works in an African culture, in English and in Afrikaans (but can be from any culture/ language). Suggestions, anyone???
Please God, may he live to meet his family, take his first breath, open his eyes, cry, smile, eat, poo... Ha ha... My mom's first response was - good for you, now what about another one after that so you can have 2 girls?? Ha ha!! I think if he lives, never mind has all his fingers, toes (which he does at the moment!), etc, then I will be quite satisfied to stop there.
Will he play rugby (should we allow him to play rugby, or just Touch???), or cricket, or soccer? Or will he want to be a ballet dancer??? AAAHHH!! Boys! What do you DO with a boy?
I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go, just as we did with Nellie. I was so convinced that he was a girl though, which meant that lots of this stuff would be old hat... now I feel like a first-time mother again.
Wow. A boy. On balance though, I really am thrilled. What a blessing. A son.
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