Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gratitude Day #15

I am grateful for history. I know that the only thing we learn from history is that no-one ever learns anything from history (or so I'm told), but I'm grateful for it. Looking back on history affords us the opportunity, if we want it, to not have to repeat mistakes. It also anchors us, gives us something of an identity.

Having been working on the family photo album this holiday (only 2 years' worth of photos to catch up in!) I have been gratified to see how much interest the kids have in their past, and the questions they have asked about things they can't remember. I can see how the photos are reminders to them about important family events, or times with friends, and having been reminded, they feel loved, secure and happy. Seeing themselves as part of something bigger, their own sense of belonging has increased. They have loved retelling the stories of their past -  the 'remember when...' moments. 

Storytelling is such an important skill. It's something that develops imagination, and logical thought, as well as being a social anchor, or glue. Every culture of earth values storytelling, and I love the way photos help my kids to tell their own stories.

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