When you live with someone (in this case, a child) it's often hard to notice them changing, because you see all the incremental changes. However, from time to time there will come a moment when you suddenly become aware of just how much they've changed. I had a moment like that last night with Nellie.
I was about to leave to go and give my lecture, but was trying to help G get Nellie in the bath and deal with Nathan. While I was sitting on the edge of the bath, pouring the water in, she came into the bathroom. No fussing. No crying. No screaming. No tantrums. She then proceeded to undress herself completely. She went to the loo. G then brought her some juice, so she decided I needed something to drink too, and poured me some water from the basin taps (a big deal, I can tell you!). Following this little feat, she hopped into the bath. All the while, we were having a conversation about Nathan.
This little encounter took my breath away and made me cry tears of joy. I had a moment of revelation, seeing my little girl all grown up: beautiful in body, but even more beautiful in spirit. It was all I could do to not grab her and eat her up. While I don't want her to grow up, because that means she will move away from me (both literally and figuratively), at the same time, I experienced such joy at seeing just how independent she's become.
Although she's still little, and a child, and definitely still has LOTS of moments, I'm beginning to see that the true nature she's developing is a beautiful one. Last week, while I was feeding Nathan, we had been eating something. She finished and asked what she should do with her plate. I asked her to put it on the sink. Then, without even being asked to, she noticed I had finished, so she picked up my plate too and carried BOTH to the sink. How thoughtful and sweet and kind is that?!
She is also increasingly loving towards, and concerned about, Nathan. Of late, she's been quite determined to ensure that someone takes care of him. If I'm not doing it, then she wants to know who will be - G, Priscilla, or the dogs? Of course, as with all siblings, there are times when she doesn't want to know him or be helpful in caring for him (like putting his dummy back in his mouth), but then I have to remind myself that that's normal behaviour for siblings.
Nellie & I are very similar in many ways. She is a very strong and determined child who likes to boss others around. Our similarity has the potential to cause tremendous fighting and stress when she becomes a teenager, and I've been quite concerned about this for some time now. I want to instill in her the values and character traits that will help us avoid real conflict in those years. These little glimpses I'm getting of who she's turning into fill me with such hope and joy that we are raising a beautiful little girl and that she's going to turn out more than fine in the end.
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