For those who didn't get our newsletter, the plans for the house are to extend all 3 bedrooms, create a new en suite bathroom and make the current en suite a family bathroom, build on a scullery and a new lounge.
I'm really sorry now that I didn't take photos before we started building, and now I can't seem to find the photos we took when we bought the house. Sigh. Anyway, here are some photos taken about a week apart, to show the progress. (Left photos were taken at the end of March, right photos are the same shots, a week later.)
This is the rear of the house - two bedrooms are extending into the garden, with the new en suite on the far left.
This is the new lounge.
It's still smaller than I'd like - it will be like moving back to the UK and their poky little houses, but it's a cheaper option than buying the size house we would like in the area we want. Isn't life always about compromises? Still, I am getting excited about it. It will be lovely to finally live in our own house!
And for those who would like to see where we are... There's a major road (A road for the UK types, M road for the SA types) just to the right of that grass, and then a railway line. Not too quiet, but I guess we'll get used to it pretty quickly. It's in the back of beyond though, as far as the suburb is concerned - really the most awkward spot to get to. The upside of that is that Nellie will able to ride in the street without too much worrying about getting knocked down.
This is how we are situated with respect to the Mountain. Unfortunately, the house is just at the wrong angle to make the most of the view of the Mountain. Long term plans include making a deck on top of the garage to take advantage of it. (Ha ha, long term as in - when we have money again... like never!!)
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