The end is in sight for all cancers everywhere! Believe it or not, it looks like a cure has been found for cancer! And get this - it was in our own bodies all along!
Following the incredible story of a man who spontaneously recovered from terminal stomach cancer (he'd exhausted all the traditional treatments and been sent home to die) a treatment has been devised using our own antibodies which is proving incredibly successful.
Very simply (although it's actually not as simple a process as I make it sound), some white blood cells are extracted from you, and introduced to a virus that helps to trigger a slight DNA change that switches on the production of cancer-killing antibodies. These antibodies are then produced in the lab en masse, harvested and injected back into you. All you need to do then, is sit back and wait for the antibodies to start attacking the cancer leading to your recovery.
OK, so it's not that simple, and there are some complications. First of all, there's the complication of how much this little process costs - several tens of thousands of US dollars per patient. Then there's the complication of side effects (chills, fever, confusion, tremors) - but they disappear as soon as treatment stops, and compared to the side effects from radiation and chemo, that's not bad going! Then there's the complication that before you can inject the antibodies back in, you first have to deplete the blood of existing antibodies, but again - that's not insurmountable.
And of course, proper trials have yet to be done. And of the tests done so far, the results seem to indicate that either you do or don't respond. If you do, you're basically cured. If you don't, well, then you're still very sick.
But the fact remains that when this works, it works brilliantly - making surgery possible in cases where it previously wasn't an option, making life possible where previously it wasn't, giving hope and future to those who previously would have been told to prepare for death.
So, the end is finally in sight. Finally, after this very long walk in the dark it seems that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Cancer CAN be cured. Cancer WILL be cured.
1 comment:
This subject was something we've looked into in the past...and your body is indeed equipped to fight cancer. Have you ever read up on the vitamin b17, laetril, studies? It is fascinating to see how the body has its own system for dealing with cancerous cells - and it's all about diet and nutrition. A man was interviewed on Cape Talk about two years ago and he cured himself of stomach cancer by eating only raw fruit and vegetables...that's a lot cheaper than this new US technique. Kallie did the same thing essentially, the tumour he had disappeared after he changed his diet radically. There must be something to it!
:D Debbie -x-
P.S. Someone once asked me, that if a man is cured of cancer, but still lost in his sin, isn't it more important that he settles his eternal future before striving for a longer life here on earth?
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