I've already done a blog post today about Zoe, so don't want to rehash that here. You can read that over at the Born Sleeping blog. That's the morbid part from today.
Now for the manic: my dog. This evening, he's out on the driveway, barking and barking and barking. Not that insane "GET AWAY FROM MY GATE" bark. No, it's more the "Mom, please come see something weird over here" annoying bark. At first, I thought he was barking at passersby. Then I thought the mouse (rat?) had returned and was taunting him from on top of the roof. At that point I wandered out to see what the deal was. Nope. Not that either. Any guesses as to what he was barking at?
I'll give you a day or so to think of an answer. Closest answer to the truth will win a prize... not sure what sort of prize, but I'll think of something.
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