Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Posting live - very live

I haven't been quiet. Really I haven't. I've started lots of posts, but they're all sitting in draft format, either because they're waiting for me to upload a video/ photo to attach, or because I've been asked to wait a while before posting the content (genuinely). In the case of the latter, I didn't want to forget the moment in the rush of life, so I've blogged it, but just not posted it. Sorry. You will have to wait a while until I'm given the go-ahead to post it.

In other news, Google Maps has a street view photo of me in my rather unflattering post-preggy fat and gardening shorts, in my front garden. Joy. I remember when the Google car came past. I looked up, spotted it, and thought to myself, "Oh well, the world is going to get a good look up my shorts now." They didn't, fortunately, but I still look hideous. Go look me up on Google. If you don't know my address, I'm not giving it to you.

Not until Google decides to take another street view photo.

Which may be never.

Unless SA gets the Olympics...

... in 2020...

Oh alright... but don't say I didn't warn you.

View Larger Map

Go ahead. Laugh. I had a good giggle about this myself when I first saw it (last week some time - see how busy I am??? This is the first time I've had a chance to tell you all about it).

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