I've had the last gynae appointment before baby boy is due to arrive. I never thought I would get here, but here we are.
At present, baby boy is slightly bigger than he should be. His measurements sit around week 35, but I'm only at week 34. He's currently about 2.5kg, so he should be around 3kg when he's born, which is a good weight. It'll also be the biggest baby I've given birth to. Hmm... Nellie was 2.2kg and Zoe was 2.8kg. It's both good and bad news: Good news because it means he should be a bit stronger and more able to cope; bad news because oversized baby boys often experience complications during or post birth.
At the moment, the other good news is that my cervix is very closed. Despite all the contractions I've been having there has been no effect on the cervix, so he's still sitting very securely. This is good, but if it's still the case in 2 weeks time, then we may have a problem. If my cervix doesn't "ripen" somewhat, then I may not respond to the induction, in which case we will have to have a caesar. I'm not looking forward to that option, but as I said to the gynae: I'd rather have him out and alive than leave him in there and lose him in a few weeks' time!
We've also talked about starting the induction a day early, to give it more time to work properly, in the hopes that we then won't have to go the route of a caesar.
The number of contractions I'm having though has brought home the fact that he will be here VERY soon, and I'm getting more and more excited about that. I'm also getting more and more stressed about the things that still need to be done in the house so that when I come home from hospital I can come home to an ordered home.
But before then, I have piles of work to finish up, so let me go and do that...
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