Well, the good news is that the consultant says I'm fine. This after many, many, many tests. I've had blood and urine tests for possible thyroid problems, pregnancy diabetes and infections (all clear!), and yet another scan to check on the size of the baby (small, but still within normal range). So as a result, I've been discharged from the consultant's monitoring. Hurray! Here's hoping for a normal term delivery.
The bad news is that the infection which caused Nellie to be born prem would not necessarily have been picked up by either a blood or urine test at this same stage of pregnancy... so there's every reason to think that I might be in the same position as last time and that it simply hasn't been picked up. In which case, I may only have about 3 weeks to go.
The good news is that I've been ordered to have extra midwifery check ups to monitor the baby's health, which should be an indicator of anything going wrong and I've been warned to go to the hospital at the first signs of any pain, even if it means daily trips.
The bad news is that I can't book the necessary midwifery appointments because the appointment book is locked away in a cupboard that no-one seems to have a key for.... (or at least, won't have a key for at least another week... so let's hope that by then there will still be an appointment free for me to have).
The good news is that, apparently, even if my waters break I can go for several weeks without needing to deliver (obviously with the help of drugs) with no significant adverse effect to the baby...
The bad news is that that will only happen if it's caught in time.... hmm... not sure exactly what 'in time' means in this case. I hope I don't have to find out.
More bad news is that I've just had another bout of food poisoning... thanks to Tesco's Chicken Fajita Wraps...
The good news is that there was apparently no risk to the baby at all, and I'm recovering nicely (albeit in pain - do you KNOW how many muscles are used, and with what violence, to throw up while SIMULTANEOUSLY having diarrhoea?!?!?!?) (OK, sorry - maybe too much information, but really - do you have ANY idea?!?!) (LOTS, is the answer, in case you weren't sure of it, and in places you wouldn't even begin to imagine could be involved....) (moving on now...)
The other good news is that I'm about to enter a period of increased rest (which should be good for helping to ensure baby is delivered on time.
The bad news is that the reason for this is that my hero husband is taking my darling daughter to South Africa for 2 weeks on Tuesday... Boo hoo!
More good news is that I only have 2 weeks to go till I'm on maternity leave! WOO HOO!! No bad news to accompany this piece of news (unless you count the fact that I still have to get through 2 weeks...)
So on balance, lots of good news all round.
Oh yes, and for those who couldn't see the videos - sorry! That was entirely my fault for not clicking the right button when I loaded them, so making them only visible to Graeme and I.... DUH! That problem is now rectified and you (along with the rest of the unknown world) can enjoy our little treasure at your leisure.