Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yet another reason why I love Twitter

Having spent a very busy day at work (which included yet another tragic tale... more on that in a bit), I returned home to have a quick browse through Twitter. Of course, you can forget trying to catch up on a full day's worth of tweets. I don't even try that. I merely browse through the last hour's tweets (or thereabouts, depending on volume).

Today's quick browse brought me a few laughs, including:

This apparent blindness of newspaper editors at least explains why Perry White has never realised that Clark Kent is secretly Superman. via @MrJayLewis and RT by @JeannineOrz

Heard of Kellogs and polony? RT : Who eats peanut butter & melrose? What the feck. from @allyphint

You've been playing the web for a quite a while now. Isn't it time you settled down with a nice domain and started a website? from @SteveBinos

I love that I get my news headlines from Twitter, incredibly useful work-related links, local traffic info (to know which routes to avoid), etc, etc... all the serious stuff... but that I can also get these little gems. It reminds me that people are multi-dimensional beings, that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and that while my soul-mate is sitting right beside me I can still find plenty of other mates out there in the ether - and all from the comfort of my bed, while wearing my pj's. I just LOVE technology (when it works!)

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