Thursday, March 25, 2010


4 teeth down and number 5 on its way. Where did I put that Panado and Hydraspasmol (which the bottle says has an added sedative effect if taken with alcohol)?????

He's up, up and away... just about. This week he has started walking along furniture. It won't be long and he'll be walking completely unaided. Nellie was walking by 13 months. I reckon Nate might beat her record.

He's also just about climbing out of his cot. Hmm... I'm not ready for him to go into a big bed. He's far too young. But I don't really want him falling out of the cot either. Decisions, decisions.

And despite his teething misery (which we're all subjected to), I haven't killed him yet because he has such a cute smile that means all is forgiven in an instant. What a cute child!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I think I can now finally leave comments on your posts as I now have a wordpress account!!! Enjoy the last few days of holiday, or are you giving that course?