Friday, January 22, 2010


The clever little chap! He started making 'mama' sounds today! At only 7 months the talking process begins. I can't begin to describe the joy I feel hearing him say 'mama'. I know it's just sounds, rather than him actually calling me 'mama', but it still feels so nice to have him say 'mama' when he looks at me. (The fact that he says it while looking at the dog, his bottle, his dummy, his cuddly toys, or even his father is of no consequence at all!)

Plus, after several VERY disturbed nights, a mild fever and several vomitting sessions today and yesterday, we've noticed that there are .... wait for it .... tooth bumps on his lower gum!! THANK GOD his teeth are FINALLY on their way. I hope they break through tomorrow so that we can all get back to normal. (Normal? Normal? Let's get real. Nothing is ever normal around here. We just swing wildly from one extreme to the other, and hope that we spend a significant amount of time in the middle of the pendulum swing.)

So my clever little boy is growing fast! Did I mention that he's now 72cm long and just over 10kgs? Yup. He's a BIG BOY! He's even heavier than his little friend who was born at full term 10 days after him. And despite his obvious discomfort (now there's an understatement! When my finger comes into range it is quickly grabbed in a death-like vice grip and shoved into his mouth to be pulped by as-yet-toothless gums) he continues to be a cheerful chappie, full of smiles and giggles. He never ceases to amaze me. If I were in his shoes, I'd be a grumpy old fart.
What a blessing and gift he is!

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