Who is this amazing creature who walks our hall? Sometimes I hardly recognise her. I remember her as a teeny tiny baby, lying in the incubator, or on my chest. I remember the way her skin was too big for her body and wrinkled all over her. I remember the way she would breathe so lightly I would have to prod her to make her move so I could check she was still alive. I remember the way she used to run her finger down the spine of books in the bookcase while looking at us and shaking her head 'no'. I remember how proud she was of finally being able to feed herself yoghurt from the tub and how it would get all over EVERYTHING. I remember how she learnt to walk by holding onto the edge of the futon in our tiny lounge. I remember how excited she was about discovering there were TWO Leos. I remember her joy at realising she could sign to us before she could really talk.
Now, my big girl is able to pour her own bath, wash herself, dry herself and dress herself for bed.
Mom & Dad are becoming redundant.
In part, I am saddened by it. I like being needed by her. In part, I am pleased as it means my evenings become less frenetic. But mostly, I am THRILLED for her because she's so excited at being able to be such a big girl and look after herself. Seeing her joy at becoming independent, I am just so proud of her. She has blossomed into a helpful, responsible little girl. She looks after Nathan and mothers him without our prompting. She drags her chair into the kitchen so she can reach the counter tops to be able to put his bottles together, or play with him, or be our "helper". She cleans up and tidies up after herself. (OK, sometimes she needs a bit of forceful encouragement, but mostly not.)
I know I've said this already, but something happened when she turned four, or over Christmas, I'm not sure. I don't know what it is, but suddenly my baby girl has become a proper little girl. Thinking about how proud I am of her, I almost start crying. Who would have thought that having kids could alter the centre of your world so completely?
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