Friday, January 11, 2008

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work I go...

"What have I done to myself?" I must have asked that question a million times of myself today. What was I thinking when I booked the show in July, and a study course starting in July, and a new job... with management responsibilities. Ag well, some of us are just suckers for punishment I guess. (Actually, some of us just refuse to accept our limitations!)

So today, my first official day at work, was terrifying in one respect only - the amount of work I am going to need to do. I know it's only for the first few weeks, until I get properly settled, but never the less, it is daunting. But I think I'm up for the challenge... nothing like a good challenge to take your mind off grief!

I will need to be super organised, and that in itself is going to be a challenge to my fuzzy, on-holiday, have-had-children (post-pregnancy) brain. But, I have the necessary tools, methinks - one pencil plus one A4 (page-a-day) diary, plus one VERY ancient computer... hmm...

Anyway, overall I am feeling very positive about this year, although I am very daunted and rather intimidated by tasks that need to be completed. I'm really pleased to be feeling this way, and I think this is going to be a very supportive environment to be working in, which can only be a good thing.

Oh yes, and I'm going to be on the radio on Monday at 1pm! Bush Radio, 89.5fm, is a local Cape radio. They will be interviewing me about 'Born Sleeping', which is the miscarriage, stillbirth, and neo-natal death support group that Graeme and I are trying to start. Very exciting all round.

But now it's back to the boring grindstone... sigh! Work and supper call. No Friday night movie for me. No, I get to compare draft and final versions of curricula, organise timetable stuff, and other equally stimulating tasks. Yay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun on the radio! I love the idea and the name of Born Sleeping, So apt.

Good luck with all those hormone driven kiddies :) They couldn't pay me enough to take that on!

Lots of love