Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Something to cheer the soul

There's a series of books called "Chicken soup for...". They are inspirational stories aimed at different niches.  I love them because they really do lift the spirit. After becoming intimate friends with my toilet bowl over the past 24 hours (I blame the leftover stew that I didn't reheat properly on Monday) I was in dire need of some upliftment.

So, herewith - my own brand of inspiration: hearts. Hearts are all around us, apparently, and as I pondered the images I found, I got to wondering whether it's "just a coincidence" or whether the God of love has deliberately set before us multiple images of his heart for us.

I like to think that it's the latter.

Maybe there's a science behind the shape, as with fractals, that explains why this shape seems to occur so frequently in nature. If anyone knows of a good scientific reason, please do share it, as I'd be really interested.

The following are images I just collected from Google Images. Apologies to the photographers for 'stealing' their work, but hopefully the aim is for others to appreciate your work.

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