Thursday, November 13, 2008

Graeme will kill me for posting this, but...

Today, during lunch, Nellie let off a WHOPPER of a fart. I glanced at her sideways, with my 'What are you doing, Madam?' face. She grinned and said to me, "I'm being like my Daddy!"


1 comment:

Belinda Chaplin said...

Oh that is priceless!! Children do say the darndest things...
We were at a joint prayer meeting yesterday in another city with 2 other churches from this region and the 4 year old son of one of the other pastor's was asked "who is stronger: God or Spiderman?". He didn't answer, so they asked him "ok you don't have to answer, but tell us what your mother says": he turned round and said "Spiderman"!!!