This morning on the way to marking I drove past some road kill that was still alive and twitching. I think it was a eat, maybe a squirrel, I'm not sure. It completely freaked me out. I can't even talk about it. Writing about it is the only way I can share it.
In that moment when I drove past, and saw it twitching, I realised how 'human' it was, how mortal. I connected with it in some way. I wasn't sure if it just bad a few broken ribs, so was struggling to get up off the road, or if it was in its death throes. Its little back leg was twitching; it looked more deliberate than just death throes though.
I wanted to stop, turn my car around, and go and help it... if nothing else, put it out of its misery. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. I was so freaked out by it, by the continual replay in my head of that little leg twitching. I found myself crying over it, praying that God would let it die quickly, not make it suffer more.
Not being one to do drugs, I have to rely on the testimony of others, and they tell me that one of the greatest things about drugs is that they enable you to feel one with the world, with all living things, that they enable you to see yourself in everyone and everything else.
Here's hoping I don't have nightmares about it tonight... it's just the sort of thing I would dream about!