Occasionally, there are times when you need to convert from A4 to A5, but NOT just when you print. I recently had a situation where I'd created an A4 document in Publisher, and but I need it in 3 different sizes - A4, A5 and B5. Given that the document was over 300 pages, I REALLY didn't want to have to go through each page and resize the images, etc. to make them fit, for an additional two sizes.
As I usually do when I'm faced with a technological problem, I turned to Google - but this is one time when Google failed me (or maybe I just didn't scroll far enough down through the search results). Everything I found insisted that I needed to download special software to be able to do this.
This is NOT the case!!
As my heart began to sink at the thought of the hours I would have to spend resizing everything, I suddenly thought of this really nifty PDF reader called Foxit. I've been using Foxit for some time now, in preference over Adobe. I realised that if I first printed from Publisher to an A4 PDF, I could then create a 2nd PDF in whatever size I needed, just by selecting the output page size and then scaling the pages to fit correctly on the output page size.
Foxit is AWESOME! Well done to the team at Foxit for making this niggly little problem so easy to solve. They have literally saved me HOURS of work.
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