Sunday, August 05, 2012

The tap has been opened again

Oh wait! I know what I should tell you about! How could I forget?!?!

This past week, I discovered that our nanny's husband has been diagnosed with TB. Fortunately, he is HIV free, as in SA the two go hand-in-hand in most cases. He's been on treatment for 2 weeks now, so should no longer be infectious. Fortunately, he's the type to be very religious about taking his meds, so unless he has a resistant strain (which I'm not sure about, because neither of them have good enough English to ask the right questions, or explain to us the answers they get), he is well on the road to recovery and should make a full recovery.

Our nanny, his wife, has had sputum tests, and her results should be back in about 2 weeks. She's also had an X-ray, which is clear, but she's got this cough.... If her results come back positive I'm going to take our kids for screening as well. If she's clear though, then I'm not going to worry. Living in Cape Town, our kids will get exposed to it more than once, and probably have already been exposed. So, unless they show symptoms, which neither of them currently do, then I'm not going to panic.

So there we are then. That's our little bit of excitement for the week.

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