Saturday, February 05, 2011

Educational technology

For those who are not in the know (i.e. you aren't on the Christmas newsletter list, aren't on Facebook/ Twitter and don't email/ phone/ sms ... we still love you though!) I have a new responsibility at work. I have been given a reduced teaching timetable in order to pick up responsibility for educational technology.

This is a new post at the school, so I'm kind of figuring it out as I go. Essentially, the post has several key priorities - research the current educational technology (from clickers to making use of cell phones in school, to making use of Moodle or anything else vaguely related to schools and learning); creating a holistic & integrated approach for the implementation of EdTech at our school; training of staff in all & anything that will improve their job (i.e. learning how to use email or Excel, or Skype, or whatever).

It's a very exciting post, and I'm loving it already. Of course, as with any job, there are frustrations, but on balance, I think I'm really going to have a fun year. I get to play with gadgets and the web and stuff and call it work! Sigh! Such a hard life!!

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