Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's time...

For the longest time now I've been toying with losing weight. (See my last post.) This past week, I've actually decided to do something about it. Yup, I've finally got off my fat ass and got active.

I'm trying to be realistic about it all. I recognise that I'm addicted to sweet things (particularly chocolate) and that going cold turkey is not going to happen. I also recognise that I simply don't have the time to make 2 callinetics classes a week, much as I would love to.

So... new strategy:
  1. make one callinetics class a week
  2. get up early on three mornings a week to do exercise on the Wii
  3. cut down to one chocolate/ sweet thing per day, preferably none during the week
  4. have a pig out day on the weekend to boost metabolism
  5. get back to walking the dog at least once every 3 days, preferably every day
So far, so good. But of course, everything is easy in the beginning. It's whether or not you have the willpower to stick with it that counts.

Ke nako. It's time.

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