Thursday, July 27, 2006

On her head...

Well, it was bound to happen sometime.... She was sitting in her small plastic chair thing that doubles as a high chair on the table, and I went out of the room for a moment and with all her wriggling and straining, the restraining part of the chair came loose and she fell out - onto the floor - onto her head!!

She has a nice red mark there now, still visible 6 hours later. Fortunately, she doesn't seem to have a concussion or suffered any other damage - just this bruise, but I feel terrible!!!! Needless to say, she cried loudly for about 5 minutes, then put her head on my shoulder and sobbed quietly for a further 5 minutes.

Ever since, she's been clingy and cried when I've either put her into her gym or sat her on the floor on her own, or left her in her cot to sleep. The only time she hasn't cried while not being held was while we were out shopping (I think the heat and the bustle got to her) and then while she was asleep in the car seat on the way home. Even when she was paddling in the pool this afternoon (which she usually LOOOOOOOVES) she was tearful and unhappy. My poor baby!

I've now glued the restrainer on the chair with special plastics superglue, so hopefully that won't come off again. I know that sooner or later she was bound to fall off something... but still, I feel awful. I know it was my fault and I should never have left her on her own... Thank God she's okay. I don't know what I would have done if she'd broken something or got a serious head injury!!


Vicky said...


It is awful the first time your baby hurts themselves, but screw yourself up, because this is just the beginning! Nellie is an absolute cutie-pie....

I'm Hokkaido Brit from SDMB, and though I am too chicken to actually put my blog up on that thread, I have spent the evening reading your blog with great interest, and wanted to reciprocate!

We are a few years ahead of you, child-rearing-wise, but I think that our concerns and interests are fairly similar for all that. If you feel so inclined, have a look at our blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi there you two. got your blog site from Debbie and am reeeeading. On the whole, if they fall like that, the less damage....sort of....but as a mum!!!! say no more. I need a blog site too.