Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Zero today...

Well, Monday... The 9th Jan was Janel's due date, and we decided to mark the occasion by celebrating her Zeroth birthday party - inspired by a zero-shaped candle that Alex had given us at Nicole's baby shower. It was a laid back affair with a couple of friends popping in for tea and cake during the course of the evening. The star of the show slept through most of the celebrations!!

In other news, we were at the hospital again last Friday for a follow-up appointment - more blood test were taken and they tried to take a urine sample as well, but Little Miss was having none of it, so we had to take her home and sit her in a bowl for the evening - very undignified!! The blood tests were due back on Monday, and we were told that we'd only be contacted if there was a problem - no news truly is good news. There are still two tests which are due this weekend - hopefully they will be negative too!!

Lastly, Janel was weighed again this morning and tipped the scales at 3.19kg (just over 7 lbs) which is a very healthy weight for someone "just two days old".

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