Sunday, September 08, 2019


After 2 weeks since the gender violence awakening following Uyinene's brutal rapture and murder, I find I am still too emotionally wrung out to say much. Yet I feel that to stay silent is also not helpful. So I would say this: 

Enough is enough.

It is not okay, not even the same universe as okay, that women and children are maligned, used, abused, harassed, raped, tortured, murdered, slandered, terrified oude harmed in any way because of the fact of their age or gender. 

Enough is enough. 

In the same breath, with the continuation of the xenophobic attacks, I must add that it is not acceptable that the country of one's birth should determine one's value, worth, acceptance, dignity or humanity in the eyes of others.

Enough is enough. 

Evil of all kinds continues unabated.

Enough is enough.

Lord Jesus, we need you. The line between evil and godliness runs through every human heart. Lord, we need you. Only in you, only with tbe help of your Spirit can wer ever hope to defeat evil in this world. 

Lord, enough is enough. 

Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. Jesus, please come now and put an end to all this madness, and suffering, and pain, and evil. Please. Enough is enough. 

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