And this is why, even though I live 6000 miles away, I still listen to BBC Radio 2! Only on a station like this, that has been around for generations, would you get a story like this. Awesome! Thank God for the internet and the ability to still listen in to my favourite radio station.
So - to the point of this post - a woman calls in and tells a story about how when she was much younger she heard this song on the radio, and how it's influenced her life. The song is played, and I am in tears.
I won't spoil it for you, but let me give you a brief outline. It's the MOST beautiful love story. Beautiful. "Love, me" is a song about a conversation between a grandfather and his grandson describing the lifelong love between the grandparents, which overcame some pretty huge obstacles. For me, it is a complete contrast to many of the marriage relationships today - one that not only survives 50 odd years, but that is stronger at the end than at the beginning. Real love. And deep respect on both sides.
(Again, that is in complete contrast to the situation facing SA today with it's high rape count. Rape is not only about lack of respect for self, or for women, but is the complete antithesis of real love.)
So I share it with you, in the hopes that it will not only brighten your day, but give you hope for your own relationships - whether with your spouse (life partner), or with your family, or your friends.
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