Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend away

Thanks to Neotel 'accidentally' damaging Telkom cables as they were installing their own, we have been internetless since the middle of the week. Of course, no sooner had Telkom fixed the problem (took them over 48hrs, and at first they kept saying there WAS no problem... like, uh, I can't use my phone, dude, because IT'S NOT WORKING and it WAS working while someone was in the middle of a phone call when it just suddenly STOPPED working, so like, we know that IT'S NOT WORKING...) than we went away for the weekend.

I've had withdrawal symptoms.

But on the up side, it forced me to figure out how to access twitter and facebook on my phone... and as a bonus, I figured out what MXit was all about, and I'm definitely going to get into that, methinks. WAY cheaper than texting people - it looks a lot like skype, except on your cell phone.

The ICT conference I went on was great - well worth giving up some holiday time. Not sure it was worth 3 whole days, but definitely worth at least 2.

We had a lovely weekend away. I actually got to read BOOKS... It's been so long since I read one that I'd nearly forgotten what they looked like. So instead of a week long holiday, I got 2 days. But it was nice while it lasted.

Nellie was as cute as always - see her blog for a cute little video of her. She's really into rhymes and songs at the moment. While walking along in a field, we spotted some bees, and she spontaneously burst out into song - one I'd never heard before... and one that (at first hearing, anyway) sounded distinctly rude! Hence, I had to capture it on video to be sure I'd heard right. But it's perfectly safe, and very cute.

Once again, I need to upload the video from the video recorder, then I'll post it here for you. We went to beautiful Retreat Centre near Riebeeck Kasteel (in the Swartland) - and had perfect weather. It was lovely to have an enforced rest.

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