Friday, April 28, 2006

More firsts!

On Tuesday we had another first. Janel woke up from her nap crying. When I went in to check on her she'd sicked up and there was blood in it. Panic stations! After checking her over for injuries & finding none, my mind went blank. She wasn't exhibiting any other signs of illnes - no fever, no unusual crying, etc. Part of my mind was going beserk, thinking she was dying, and the other part was saying there must be a logical solution because she was smiling & showing no signs of distress. I stood in the room holding her, overcome by indecision yet feeling I ought to DO SOMETHING! It was then that I remembered: I've developed a cracked nipple again (oh joy!) and I realised that I was probably bleeding when she fed - the blood was mine, not hers! No need to panic.

She also had her first moment of stranger anxiety on Wed. I was at my mid-week women's Bible Study, and one of the women asked to hold her. Previously, Nellie has gone to her, with no problems. Not this time! She was being held by another woman, and as soon as she was passed across, she took one look at the new admirer and promptly burst into tears!

Next week is her appointment with her consultant, at which point she will be weighed for the first time in about 2 months. I'm looking forward to seeing how much weight she's gained. I've been going through her clothes and taking out the ones that are too small for her. When I compared them to her prem clothes, it's hard to believe how tiny she was! I really should take a photo to show the comparison. Ag well!

She's starting to sleep through the night now - going down at 7pm and waking at 5am. It isn't consistent, but it's happened 3 times in the past 10 days, so I'm confident it is only a matter of time now till this is a regular thing - bring it on!!

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