Saturday, February 18, 2006


This morning our NCT ante-natal class had a reunion, and our instructor came along as well. Sadly, one couple was missing, but we've heard that they are doing fine. It was amazing to see everyone with their little babies - some as new as 2 weeks old! Last time we were all together we only had bumps, and now we all have these amazing little human beings, each so unique. It truly is a miracle!It was also really good for the men to get together and chat. I've been blessed by being able to meet during the day with various women and share problems and concerns, but the men haven't had that. Being able to hear, in person, each other's birth stories was so affirming, and all the more so for the men - being able to share their thoughts, hopes and fears with like-minded individuals is so important. It seems we all had a really horrid time in labour, most being induced or having to have emergency C-sections. Good thing we didn't know beforehand how awful our labours would be!

I'm going to miss this group when we eventually head home. One hears these stories about NCT ante-natal groups who are still in weekly contact years after their kids were born and whose children are all best friends with each other, etc, etc. I'm probably not going to have that.... Sigh! But I'm sure God will provide other friends and support when we get to that.


sam becca zach and martha said...

i liked looking at your blog and reading bits and pieces. Janel is so gorgeous!! and you guys look so happy and serene and natural as parents. becca

baker st jones said...

i agree, a