Thursday, December 01, 2005

T + 48 hours (Graeme again)

An update on progress...

Nicole and the baby will be kept in Hospital until Sunday at least, as the blood tests have confirmed that Bubs has an infection of some kind so they want to be able to give her the antibiotics and monitor her progress easily. This means that Nix will also be there for the weekend which is not so much fun, as she is struggling to sleep. To be fair, it is not the ward that is keeping her awake, but that Bubs takes over an hour to wake up, feed, get changed and winded and put back down, after which Nix tidies up, goes to the loo and then it is almost time to start the process all over again.

Feeding is causing a little concern as Bubs is struggling to adapt to feeding for herself - she gets the breast into her mouth and after a few sucks, falls asleep. Nicole is expressing a little and feeding by cup, topping up with fomula if needed. This is beggining to be a worry, because Bubs is loosing weight - she started at 2.19kg, was 2.12kg after 24 hours and 2.06 today - and becoming a little dehydrated. Nicole has been told to decrease the feed intervals from 3-hourly to 2-hourly, which means that sleep will be even more precious. It seems that baby's digestive system is taking a little while to "come online"; the doctors are not worried yet, but please pray that things start to work as they should sooner rather than later!!

Other than the tiredness, Nicole is well - her stitches seem to be healing nicely although she is still swollen and sore, and finds walking and sitting quite difficult.

But the most important thing of all is that Bubs is healthy and GORGEOUS!!

What can I say, I'm the daddy :-)



Anonymous said...


What a beautiful mummy and baby, (and I'm sure daddy too!). Oh Nicole, your birth story just reminds Phil and I so much of what happened with Luke, at 28 weeks gestation. From infections to steriod injections to low birth weights and sleepy breastfeeding. But here we are on the other side, Luke's now 14lbs and a very sturdy, strong, healthy and happy boy.

Before you know it, you'll be at home, in your own comforts with your beautiful baby girl.

May you know the Lord with you during this very special yet tiring time. Hang in there.

All our love,

Phil, Kim and Luke

Anonymous said...

Dear Graeme and Nix

CONGRATULATIONS on the extension of your family!!!

I am so thrilled that mom and baby (Oi You) are doing well. The medic in me was very relieved to read about the steroid shot and see baby's weight is so much over 1kg!!! Medics, we are incorrigable.
Looking forward to the updates, and to hearing that the whole family is back home together!

God bless you guys at this amazingly exciting (and tiring) time!!!!

lots of love
Keren and Nils

ywamce said...

I am happy that she is healthy - praying that she will gain weight and start feeding properly...
May God richly bless you in this time - with strength and SLEEP!!
Thinking and praying for you all...
love Belinda
ps hoping that "bubs" does not become the actual name!!

Anonymous said...

ALL babies lose weight at first

ALL babies struggle to latch on

and don't let them push you into formula - or if you do - give it from a cup with a sterilised spoon.


I'll butt out now, the last thing you want is online friends and all their advice


Anonymous said...

Just realised she was born on Tuesday 29th that's MY birthday

double congrats :)

Anonymous said...

Want to share something special with you guys :) A blessingway we bloggers wrote for a reverend who is about to give birth to a daughter any day now.

As you read it may the Words, Prayers and love carry all three of you too :)

love and heaps of blessings