Friday, October 28, 2005

30 weeks and counting...

The pic is a bit out-dated. It was taken in week 26, and I'm now in week 30, but it gives you an idea of the size I've become!

I read recently that as we near the end I need to keep an eye on how frequently the baby kicks - anything less than 10 times in 12 hours and we have a problem. Needless to say, no sooner did I start trying to count, than she went through a VERY quiet phase, and I started to panic quietly to myself. However, she soon picked up again and has been VERY active since.

At the moment she seems to be lying diagonally across my stomach - one end up under my ribs and the other pushing down into my pelvic area. Because she's getting so big now, when she turns you can actually see a wave across my belly - it's like watching a tsunami wave before it reaches the beach: you have no idea just from watching it of the power beneath the surface!! Most of the time now, when she's kicking, it's incredibly uncomfortable and frequently quite sore - especially when she kicks up into my ribs and lungs.

Again, because she's getting so large, I'm finding my lung space dramatically reduced, so I'm finding even little tasks take far more energy than previously simply because I can't get enough air. In terms of teaching, that means that I no longer have the lung capacity to yell at kids! I'm sure they appreciate it, but it is really handy to be able to yell when you need to - particularly in emergencies where they are in danger!

I've only got another 7 weeks left at work. It feels like an eternity, but I'm sure it will pass quickly enough. I'd love to start maternity leave sooner, but then that means I'd have less time at home after the birth, which is more important to me. So I guess I'll have to just slow down and pace myself to ensure I can make it at work till then!



Anonymous said...

you look beautiful

please try to relax into the pregnancy - not easy when it's your first baby and you are far from 'home'

things can and do go wrong, so I won't insult you by saying it will be ok, but most pregnancies are fine and with prayer I'm sure that everything will go smoothly.

Now in the last trimester you need to take it easier. Slow down, cut yourself some slack, if it gets too much take some sick time from work (yeah I know that's hard as a teacher - I'm one too- but you need to listen to your body and to your baby. REST is good. So is going fun things - practice eating one handedly with Graeme :) make lots of different kinds of sauces to go with pasta and fill the freezer - I recommend pasta shells they hold the sauce better

and set aside timeto laugh
and pray for the wonderful child of God :)

thanks for posting. It's lovely to read how it is going.

praying for a healthy pregnancy and a GREAT labour Your daughter will be worth it

see-through faith said...

Hi me again. not sure why I can't comment on the latest post - hope you find this one ...

your bump looks great :)

sorry for your and Graeme's news about Granny. Faith is knowing she's in eternity, but that doesnt take away that you would have loved her to hold the little one in her arms in this world too.

be blessed, and take it easy these last few weeks. ok?