Monday, August 29, 2005


Yes, little bump has started kicking!

Actually, s/he started kicking about 2 weeks ago, but I thought it was something else. However, after doing some reading this past weekend, I realised what it was. Suddenly talking to it doesn't seem so preposterous or foolish anymore (talking to my stomach just seemed silly, but now I KNOW I'm talking to someone, not just to my stomach).

S/he is most active in the evenings when I'm sitting still, and although the kicks are generally gentle, s/he can deliver a real punch from time to time - especially when I'm least expecting it.

Suddenly the fact that there is a real live person in there feels real... I'm not just an incubator for some silent and innocuous parasite - I'm growing a real live person who has a personality and independent will, thoughts and emotions (or will do shortly!).

I'm reminded again of what a miracle pregnancy and birth are. Truly miraculous!


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